Looking for a long-lasting, travel-sized natural deodorant that actually works? This Nuud deodorant review can help!

Whether you want to make your packing list carry-on friendly or need something that will see you through whatever your adventures throw at you, a good deodorant is key. 

After trialling a few natural deodorants in my time, Nuud has consistently been my favourite, so I thought I’d write a review of my experience. 

Nuud is one of the best natural deodorants for travel and beyond. And yes, it really does work. Here’s why. 

What is Nuud? 

Nuud is a cosmetics company based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. On a mission to make ‘fresh armpits worldwide,’ the brand specialises in vegan and natural deodorant that lasts for 3-7 days. It’s called ‘anti-odorant.’

Nuud tackles sweat odour without blocking your body’s natural processes. It helps you stay healthy, odour-free, and be more environmentally friendly.

 It’s effective too. These are just some of the reasons why I recommend this natural deodorant over others. 

Currently, you can order your Nuud deodorant as a standalone starter pack (15ml), duo packs, and family packs (15ml or 20ml). 

Either buy it as and when you need it or get it on a flexible subscription service and ‘never be without Nuud.’

Pink tube on a windowsill surrounded by plant pots for nuud deodorant review.
Is this natural deodorant right for you? Read my Nuud review and find out!

Nuud deodorant review 

Here’s an overview of Nuud’s performance as a deodorant:








Value for money

Overall performance

Editor’s tip: This review is based on my own experience using Nuud. All opinions are my own. 

My review of Nuud deodorant: does it really work? 

A bit of background about me. I’ve been using natural deodorants ever since I was a teen with varying degrees of success. While some were okay, I still hadn’t found that holy grail I could rely on. 

When Nuud came onto my radar I was excited at its seemingly miraculous power to keep odour at bay for a week. So I decided to give it a go. 

I was spending three weeks in Portugal over the summer so I thought it would be as good a time as any to put it to the test. Plus, its attractively small size made it a no-brainer for my carry-on bag. 

Editor’s tip: I had a head start as I didn’t have to go through an aluminium detox for Nuud to work properly. So, my experience isn’t quite the same as someone switching from an aluminium deodorant. 

After first application 

I first had to remind myself that less is more when applying this deodorant. Although I wasn’t sure if I was applying enough.

The deodorant felt like a rich and sticky-ish cream which rubbed into my underarms until I barely noticed it was there. Just a slight stickiness gave it away. 

I felt a little more sweaty, but no odour. I could also treat it like a normal deodorant and apply it every 24 hours rather than topping it up throughout the day. 

After one month 

If you’re going through the detox period, the one-month mark should be about the time it finally starts working. It’s a process for winter rather than summer!

Although I didn’t need to detox, I still had to go through an adjustment period with Nuud. 

I eventually found myself tentatively getting used to the application process. 

I felt comfortable enough to leave a 24-48-hour gap between applications but I didn’t feel like I could go up to a week (and I still don’t).

I still perspired but there was no odour. It was strange at first but I was super impressed that there wasn’t a sweaty smell!

After three months 

After returning from Portugal I fell back into my old routine with my old deodorant. Not because I didn’t like Nuud, but because I still had a lot of my old deodorant left. However, I did notice a big difference in effectiveness. 

About three-quarters of the way through my day, I felt like my old deodorant had worn off and I felt paranoid about odour. I reached for Nuud again and felt much fresher and more confident. 

That was the moment Nuud became my day-to-day deodorant rather than just for travel. 

The temperature and exercise tests

I put Nuud to the test during a hot Portuguese summer. Although I perspired a lot, I found that odour was kept at bay which was a relief. 

The same goes for my workout routines and I didn’t need to reapply it afterwards. 

Plus, true to Nuud’s word, the deodorant didn’t melt in the heat of the sun!

A pea-sized amount of nuud deodorant with the pink tube behind.
A pea-sized amount is all you need

How to use Nuud

Here’s a quick step-by-step guide to the application process. You will need to adjust the application frequency depending on whether you’re switching from aluminium deodorants or adjusting to Nuud. 

  1. Start with a clean slate. Wash your underarms with soapy water and dry thoroughly
  2. Squeeze a pea-sized amount of Nuud onto your finger
  3. Rub it into both underarms
  4. Start with an application frequency of every 24 hours as normal 
  5. If you’re detoxing you may want to top up slightly more regularly, but again only a small amount each time 
  6. Experiment with application frequency. Most people can go somewhere between 48 hours to a week without reapplying. Showers don’t affect it!

How Nuud deodorant works 

Nuud’s active ingredient is micro silver which kills odour-causing bacteria in sweat without blocking pores. 

Its other certified natural ingredients work to hold the micro silver in place while nourishing the skin of your underarms (more on the Nuud deodorant ingredient list below!).

Is Nuud deodorant healthy? 

Nuud deodorant is free from chemicals, parabens, aluminium, alcohol and perfume. It lets your body sweat naturally while banishing odour and it doesn’t use propellants and sprays. 

So yes, Nuud is certainly better for you than other conventional deodorants!

Does Nuud deodorant have a scent? 

Nuud deodorant is fragrance-free. This is good news if you have sensitive skin or you’re allergic to fragrances. It also gives you a blank canvas for you to add your own favourite perfumes. 

If I’m being honest, it does have a slight clay-like scent which is unsurprising as it contains mineral clay. However, I don’t think it’s that strong and I don’t notice it when I wear it. 

The back of the pink tube ith nuud's ingredients.
The updated formula includes vegan squalane and rice bran oil

Nuud ingredient list 

Nuud deodorant uses only 10 ingredients. All are natural, cruelty-free, vegan, and contain no nanoparticles. The product sits on top of your underarm skin rather than being absorbed by the body – a bit like a shield!

Here’s what’s in that little tube and what they do: 

  • Micro silver – naturally antibacterial
  • Coconut oil – makes it longer-lasting
  • Castor oil – makes skin smooth
  • Almond oil – soothes dry and sensitive skin
  • Zinc oxide – naturally antibacterial. It’s in natural sunscreen too!
  • Mineral clay – makes it easier to apply
  • Vegetable emulsifier – makes it easy to apply in all temperatures
  • Caster oil extract – makes it longer-lasting
  • Vegetable mix-enhancer – improves deodorant texture
  • Carnauba wax – prevents it from melting at higher temperatures

Nuud recently changed their formula to include:

  • Squalane (from olives) and rice bran oil to enhance cream absorption and reduce greasiness for a smoother and cleaner application

How long does it take for Nuud deodorant to work? 

If you’re detoxing, it takes about a month for it to properly kick in. As unpleasant as that is, it’s a patience game. Just try to remember that less is more with Nuud!

Even without the detox, it takes about a month to get used to it mentally. 

It’s not a spray or roll-on. You have to squeeze a tiny bit out of a tube and get used to experimenting with application frequency. 

What’s the difference between Nuud and other natural deodorants? 

Most other natural deodorants have a baking soda base because its alkaline properties inhibit bacteria growth. However, it can be harsh on sensitive skin. 

Another alternative is a salt rock which kills odour-causing bacteria. Between you and me, I’m yet to find a salt rock that works for me though. 

Nuud’s base ingredient is pure metallic micro silver which is naturally antibacterial and gentle on the skin.

If you’ve got your heavy metal alarm bells ringing, don’t worry. The key is that it’s micro, not nano so the particles are too large to be absorbed by the skin. 

Is Nuud deodorant good for travel?

Nuud deodorant is my go-to for travelling. I mostly travel carry-on only so (for now) my liquids are limited to 100ml a pop. 

Nuud’s compact size makes it easy to stash in my bag. It takes up almost no space so I can throw it into my hand luggage and top up my coverage on the go. Think long journeys or when you want to feel a bit fresher after travelling through the night. 

Another big reason why I love Nuud for travelling is it’s long-lasting. I can comfortably use it for three weeks on the road at a time and barely come close to running out. 

I can also go several days without reapplying Nuud which makes it very easy on the go. 

What’s more, Nuud can handle hot temperatures. It doesn’t melt in the tube. I feel fresh even when high temperatures are causing me to sweat more. 

Finally, Nuud’s ingredients are non-toxic so I know I’m not adding chemicals or heavy metals to the environment of the destination I’m visiting. 

Another (perhaps slightly gross) big win is Nuud’s ability to prevent odour-causing bacteria keeps your clothes fresh for longer. 

Of course, clean clothes are very important but if you’re backpacking it’s always nice to have a bit more extra time between wash days!

A clear toiltry bag with toiletries and the pink tube of nuud for nuud deodorant review.
The deodorant slips in easily with other toiletries

Is Nuud deodorant good for sensitive skin? 

Nuud is fragrance-free, chemical-free, aluminium-free, paraben-free, alcohol-free, and non-clogging which makes it suitable for sensitive skin. I’ve also heard it’s safe to use on eczema-prone skin. 

You know your body best. If you’re allergic or sensitive to any of the ingredients listed above, then it won’t be suitable for you. Likewise, if you notice any rashes or irritation, you should discontinue use. 

Editor’s tip: For best results, avoid applying Nuud straight after shaving and don’t apply to broken or damaged skin. If you’re worried about oils clogging pores, apply one every two days.

How long does Nuud deodorant last?

Nuud has a concentrated formula so a little goes a long way. A 15ml tube of Nuud can last on average 6-7 weeks. It all depends on how frequently you need to top it up. 

As for how long you can go before reapplying, it can be anything from 24 hours to a week!

Why do I smell after using Nuud? 

If you’ve just started using it, your body may still be adjusting. 

You may also need to experiment with the frequency of application to find a routine that works for you. Some people need to reapply Nuud every 24 hours whereas others may find 48 hours is enough. 

Some people can even go three days to a week without reapplying Nuud!

Everyone is different so you might need to experiment first to find your optimal routine. 

What I love about Nuud 

Here are some key reasons why I like this deodorant: 

Better for you 

Nuud deodorant is non-toxic, chemical-free, and allows your body to function naturally. It’s much healthier than a non-natural deodorant and it’s kinder to your skin. 

Kind to the planet

Nuud has a ‘completely innocent’ philosophy. It doesn’t harm you or the environment. The brand is vegan, cruelty-free, carbon-neutral, and transparent about its ingredients. 

Nuud is a sustainable choice because it contains zero microplastics. It’s a certified plastic-negative product!

The tubes are made out of 100% recyclable bioplastic from sugarcane except for the lid which is made from regular petroleum-based plastic. This is because the bioplastic lid just wasn’t strong enough. The brand is working on fixing it though. 

Compact size 

I love how super lightweight and compact Nuud deodorant is. It makes it so portable and easy to stash. 

I can throw the tube into my tiny handbag, stuff it into my carry-on or keep it in a compartment in my suitcase knowing I can stay fresh wherever I go. 

A little goes a long way

Although the tube may appear dinky, Nuud deodorant has a concentrated formula. You only need to apply a pea-sized amount. 

I used Nuud for three weeks in Portugal and still had most of the tube left when I returned home. 

I also don’t know any other deodorant that can keep you fresh for as long as two to seven days. Most manage up to 24 hours if you’re lucky!

Ethical company 

Nuud isn’t just about producing a sustainable deodorant. It considers its impact as a brand too. 

A key partner it works with is rePurpose Global, a charity on a mission to ‘unwaste the planet.’ 

A percentage of profit from every Nuud deodorant sold goes towards funding the collection of 8360kg of low-value plastic waste from the environment every year. 

This plastic is then repurposed and recycled by a social enterprise in India which employs and empowers people to tackle plastic waste. 

Pink natural deodorant tube held up with two plants in the background.
Small but mighty and can last up to 6-7 weeks!

What I don’t love about Nuud 

Here are a few downsides: 

Adjustment period 

Like with a lot of natural swaps, Nuud deodorant can have an adjustment period when you’re just starting out. 

You might perspire more or feel like it’s not working at all which isn’t a pleasant feeling.

To minimise embarrassment, start using it on a weekend or at a time when you can be at home. 

If you’ve not tried a natural deodorant before, the first three weeks will be the hardest but at the one-month mark, your body should adjust. 

A little expensive 

If we weigh up the price of Nuud in comparison to a standard deodorant, there’s no denying that it comes with a heftier price tag. 

You sweat more 

This is really a pro disguised as a con. We’re taught to think that sweat = bad and must be avoided – unless you’re working out. 

So we brandish all manner of sweat-beating antiperspirants under our arms to ward off the dreaded damp sweat patches. 

But perspiring is an essential function!

With Nuud, you might notice you’re perspiring more but that’s because this deodorant doesn’t try to block up sweat. It only neutralises the odour. 

Sweating more is common during the adjustment period if you’re not used to natural deodorants. 

Your pores are slowly becoming unblocked and starting to work as they’re supposed to again. That’s a good thing!

Nuud vs Wild: Which one is better? 

I use both Nuud and Wild deodorant in my daily routine. Wild has a great flexible subscription system plus you can choose from a range of fun scents. However, it doesn’t always work for people. 

Nuud deodorant is considered a more reliable choice, particularly if you’re new to the daunting world of natural deodorants. It’s scent-free which is a big plus if you have sensitive skin (Wild has a sensitive skin range too). 

In terms of the amount of product, Nuud is more expensive than Wild. In a Wild subscription, you get a refillable case as part of your starter pack and then three (40g) refills afterwards. Each refill lasts around 4-6 weeks. 

A Nuud starter pack is just one 15ml tube which is enough for 6-7 weeks on average. 

Here’s a table so you can see them side by side. Wild’s price is based on the assumption that you already have the brand’s refill case, otherwise, a starter pack of one case and one refill is £15.00.



Average length:


nuud anti-odorant

15ml tube

6-7 weeks per tube


Wild deodorant

3x40g refill

4-6 weeks per refill


I find Nuud easier to travel with than Wild. It’s less bulky than carrying around a case and refill. 

Both Wild and Nuud deodorants require a detox period. There’s no cheat code with either of them, unfortunately!

Switching to a natural deodorant FAQs

Here are some of your most common questions answered about switching to a natural deodorant: 

Do I really need to switch to a natural deodorant? 

It comes down to personal preference, but I switched to a natural deodorant for two reasons: 

  • My health 
  • The environment 

While the jury is still out on whether or not aluminium is bad for you, I didn’t love that it was blocking my pores. 

Nor did I like that it was mixed in with a concoction of parabens and other chemical compounds. I wanted something kinder for my body. 

Natural deodorants are also a more environmental choice. They don’t contain antibacterial chemicals such as triclosan which contaminates waterways and harms aquatic life. 

Nor do they produce volatile organic compounds which contribute to air pollution (sprays are worse than roll-ons). 

Read More: Your Essential Sustainable Travel Guide for Anywhere in the World

Is aluminium bad for me? 

Aluminium in antiperspirants has been attributed to two main health concerns: Alzheimer’s and breast cancer. 

However, no studies (yet) have found proof that spraying aluminium into our underarms causes either of these diseases. 

To put it simply, the evidence is inconclusive and more research needs to be done. 

However, I would argue that blocking up a natural process like sweating (unless for other medical reasons) is definitely not great for you!

Is it healthy to sweat? 

Short answer? Yes! 

The prime function of sweat or perspiration is it acts as a natural body temperature regulator. When you overheat, sweating helps to cool you down. 

Sweating also has some other cool benefits for your health. A 2012 study found that sweating played a key role in expelling heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic from the body. 

Other amazing benefits of sweating include: 

  • Improving heart health
  • Boosting weight loss
  • Increasing immunity 
  • Aiding muscle recovery
  • Unclogging you pores
  • Making your skin glow 
  • Improving your mood 
  • Reducing the risk of kidney stones 

Sweating helps to regulate your body, flush out things that shouldn’t be there, and boost your mood!

Tube of pink natural deodorant resting on a palm of a hand.
The tube fits in the palm of my hand (I have small hands)

What’s the difference between a deodorant and an antiperspirant? 

The key difference is in the name ‘antiperspirant.’ An antiperspirant blocks up your sweat glands long-term to prevent you from sweating. A deodorant doesn’t stop you from sweating; it stops the sweat from smelling. 

A deodorant is designed to mask the smell of odour-causing bacteria in the sweat with fragrances and alcohol. 

An antiperspirant clogs your pores with aluminium salts and potassium alum. It’s usually in the form of a gel-like plug. 

It doesn’t completely stop you from sweating, just minimises it. Nor does it stop the sweat from smelling. 

Nuud is a deodorant, or as it likes to put it – an anti-odorant. It eliminates odour-causing smells from sweat altogether rather than masking it. In Nuud, there’s no alcohol, aluminium, fragrances or chemicals. 

What happens to my body when I switch to a natural deodorant? 

It depends on what you’ve been using before. If you’ve been using an antiperspirant, your body will need to expel the aluminium gel that’s been clogging your pores. 

As they become unblocked, you might notice you’re sweating more as your body takes time to adjust. Usually about three to four weeks. 

If your deodorant didn’t include aluminium but other odour-eliminating chemicals and fragrances, your body may still need time to adjust to the new formula. Again, give it a few weeks!

Nuud deodorant verdict: Is it the best natural deodorant? 

Nuud might not work for everyone, but after years spent trying and testing different natural deodorants out there, it comes pretty close to perfect for me. 

This deodorant is ideal for those who want to be more eco-friendly, cut out non-recyclable packaging, and err on the side of caution when it comes to aluminium. 

It might not be suitable if you like your deodorant to have a fragrance, but personally, I think a perfume can help there!

Pink deodorant tube next to a pink spotted wash bag and a clear travel bag for nuud deodorant review.
I can throw it in a handbag and it doesn’t look inconspicuous

It’s a travel holy grail for me because it’s long-lasting – both as a product and when worn. Its compact size makes it easy to take anywhere and I feel fresher for longer.

I can slip it into a carry-on or handbag on the go and it doesn’t look inconspicuous. 

The one downside for me is the price. Yes, it’s a concentrated formula but the price still seems a little hefty for the product only lasting 6-7 weeks. 

Still, it’s my go-to when I travel and I find myself reaching for it when I’m at home too.

What do you think? Will you be giving Nuud a go? Let me know!

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